Whose History is it anyway?

Thirty years ago, my country stood up. The people lost their fear.

They demanded to be heard, they demanded change and started a revolution.

Then the Wall fell. Shortly after that my country disappeared, voted out of existence so to say.

You will tell me again that this was the decision of freedom over socialism.

Many of us who had tried to change the GDR wanted democratic socialism. We wanted real socialism with public property, green politics, democracy and participation.

What do you think happened in this election?

Three of the new/ old parties in the East got the support of their "big sister parties " from the West. Up to 7.5 million went into propaganda. Political Leaders from the West travelled to the East and promised Paradise if the population there would agree to reunification.

The civil movement meanwhile had not a rich uncle in the West. The people who yesterday had led the revolution did not try to manipulate the population. They thought we all could together create a better country.

They lacked a presence in the Media, as much as they did not noisily propose simple slogans.

In December 1989, more than 70 % of East Germans wanted to keep and reform their state. Three months later, that number had dropped to maybe 30%.

We had been told that our country was bankrupt. Reunification needed to happen immediately. All the economist and politicians from the winning West agreed, or so it seemed.

Was this not election interference?

The three main parties of West Germany, the CDU, the SPD and the FDP went into a high spin to make sure that nobody would suddenly start to question the state of democracy in the western world as well.

Here you spin me again the nightmarish fairytale of "with us or against us."

Weren't the powerful always on the same side, independent which religion or ideology they represented.

You say that my country and its system and as well every attempt to change capitalism had to go, deserved to disappear.

You insist a country that incarcerated its people and shot them if they tried to leave had no right to exist.

I agree, this, my country, needed to change. But disappear?

How about the free world, the capitalist one?

A week ago the commission for the murder and disappearance of indigenous women in CANADA wrote in the final report, that what happened in the last 30 years to the native Women and Girls is considered genocide.

A genocide - do you know how many indigenous women got murdered and disappeared here in Canada in the last 30 years since the Wall came down?

How many natives are in prison? How many are addicted to drugs and alcohol?

The residential schools were still operating when the Wall came down.

Children still got stolen, the environmental poisoning of native land and people still goes on (human rights report UN).

What is your justification here/?

Do you approve of a system that steals children, commits genocide and murders women?

( and then blames the victims, "was possibly drunk or a prostitute.")

If this is capitalism, should this system then not step down and disappear?

Is it not time to indeed find together something better?

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