When you are not American

When you are not American, you might not consider the US in any way exceptional. Like any other Empire or Power, the US justifies many of its disastrous politics, wars and sanctions as necessary for the spread of democracy and free markets. The Brits did more or less the same, the French added their supposedly superior culture... and the Roman Empire spread civilization. And never mind all the religious wars fought because of the superiority of the one God.

When you constantly need to tell yourself that your country or city is the Greatest in the World, then you might deep down feel that this is not true. A society that forces young children to stand still with their hand on their hearts and utter stupidities about the place, they happened to be born, or living - seemed so out of touch with itself.

Some things are great in the US, and some are not. Most could improve enormously. Nothing gives the US special rights on moral grounds.

How about Americans fix their own country and let other people do the same with theirs.

Julia WilleComment